Monday, August 19, 2019

EHS Hospitals List - Contacts - Specialities

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Office of the directorate of medical education recently released the EHS Hospitals List district wise in pdf format. if you want to find a particular hospital in particular region it very hard to find out. so Ebadi team find out the solution to this type of problems, they are providing the district wise hospital list and specialties and hospital information and vacancy bed positions. with a single click, you will get the total hospitals list related to your district.
IF you want to find out the EHS Hospitals List District Wise in Andhra Pradesh follow the below steps.
Step1: Open the below URL and select District Then select the specialty in dropdown Click on Get hospital list button. you will get hospitals list, if you click on the view button you will get contact details and contact information. in the bottom of page 3 more buttons available to check the bedrooms, facilities,specalities& doctors.
Check the EHS Hospitals List - Contacts - Specialities here 

Janardhan Randhi

About Janardhan Randhi

Janardhan Randhi

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